Project: Establishment of gender mainstreaming in the work of media, government, police and courts.
Implementation Period: 2006 – 2007
Location: Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria & Kosova
Target Group:Journalists, government policy makers, representatives of the local governments, police officers, judges and lawyers and experts from the NGO sector
Description of the Project:
The objectives of this project is to use the results of the analyses made in the previous BHNR projects about gender mainstreaming in the field of mass media, government authorities (national and local-government), police and court officials; in order to address women’s human rights and improve the position of women through organizing panel discussions with the profession target groups of journalists, government policy-makers, police and court officials which will discuss the results of the research and inform these professionals about gender mainstreaming in their work. The project will consist of three phases. The first phase will be identifying the problems and making recommendations for the improvement of the position of women – women in media, women in local government and decision-making level, women victims of violence and trafficking. It will be done by a gender issues expert who will collect and analyze data from the relevant researches of the previous projects. The second phase will be organizing panel discussions for professional journalists, government policy makers, police, lawyers and judges in each of the implementation locations of Tirana, Prishtina, Sofia and Skopje. The third phase will be organizing a wider media campaign to raise awareness amongst the general public about women’s issues and how they are perceived in the media, in policy and victims of crime.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Project: Diversity and Democracy Programme for Southeast Europe (Phase II)
Implementation Period: 2003 – 2006 (3 years)
Location: Macedonia
Target Group: Ethnic minority communities in Macedonia
Description of the Project:
This project focuses on promoting the public participation of ethnic minorities in the political and economic realm in Macedonia. ADI organized workshops on Power-sharing in South-East Europe (2003) as well as a workshop on Ethnic Data Collection in Development (2005) in cooperation with Minority Rights Group International. ADI also had trainings for staff to increase their awareness on the provisions of the Framework Convention for National Minorities and translated numerous advocacy guides for ethnic minorities into local languages.
Donor: Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
Project: Balkan Program of Gender Equality for Employment
Implementation Period: August 2005 – July 2006
Location: Albania, Kosova, Bulgaria and Macedonia
Target Group: Women
Description of the Project:
ADI is a consultant in this project, providing expertise and advice on gender equality. ADI is also helping build a database of women NGOs in the countries of implementation. ADI is a partner in this project as a result of our past experience in implementing a local program to enhance institutional mechanisms for gender equality.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Project: A Parking Space Named Desire
Implementation Period: December 2004 – December 2005
Location: Gostivar, Skopje, Prilep
Target Groups: General public, police, legislators
Description of the Project:
ADI was a partner in this project, which aimed to lobby for new legislation in the Republic of Macedonia, in harmony with prevailing EU legislation that would uphold and promote rights to access and mobility. It also engaged in a civic education program to stimulate a real sense of community spirit and responsibility, specifically leading to assigning, marking and respecting designated parking spaces for people with disabilities.
Donor: European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights
Project: Promoting the Rights of Minorities and Enhancing Intercommunity Understanding in SEE Phase II – (National Advocacy Plans)
Implementation Period: September 2004 – August 2005
Location: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosova, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro
Target Group: General population in South East Europe
Description of the Project:
The project aims to protect and promote the rights of minorities in SEE by contributing to the implementation of international standards and domestic legislation, and enhance the inter-community understanding through: advocating for implementation of international standards, domestic legislation and policies for minority protection; raise awareness of minority rights and the value of inter – ethnic dialogue.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Project: Balkan Yearbook of Human Rights 2004 – Minority Rights in SEE
Implementation Period: March 2004 – August 2004
Location: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosova, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro
Target Groups: General public, police, legislators
Description of the Project:
The overall aim of this edition was to look at the minority issues by focusing on specificity of the cases. Beyond reporting, it aims at looking at theoretical perspectives and implications of these subjects. This approach indicates that theory and practice should go in the same direction. Theoretical concerns include the implication for the non-definition of minorities in international law and what this means for such a troubled region as South-east Europe. The yearbook aimed at the presentation of case studies that are representative of problems and overall a materializing approach. To these purposes, an overview of the problems in the legislation and the minority rights records for the countries is presented.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Project: Promoting the Rights of Minorities and Enhancing Intercommunity Understanding in SEE Phase I (Shadow Reports on the FCNM)
Implementation Period: July 2003 – June 2004
Location: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosova, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro
Target Groups: Government officials and minorities in the Balkans
Description of the Project:
This is a regional project that resulted with the drafting and publication of seven country reports on the implementation of the provisions of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro and Kosova. The project has enabled the participating NGO’s to increase their advocating capacity on minority issues at the national and international level, as well as has provided several roundtables at the national level held with relevant central and local government officials, national and international NGO’s and other relevant stakeholders.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Project: Establishing Institutional Mechanisms on Gender Equality at the Local Level
Implementation Period: March 2003 – July 2004
Location: Vrutok, Gostivar, Kisella Voda in Macedonia. Purvomay, Gorna Oryahovitza, Varna in Bulgaria
Target Groups: Local governments and women
Description of the Project:
This is a project implemented by the Association for Democratic Initiatives in Macedonia and the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation in Bulgaria. This project sought to address gender issues related to gender equality within public institutions and politics and to ensure that both genders enjoy equal rights at the local level and work towards the elimination of gender inequality.
Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs